TSA Emblem


  • Late registrations are accepted

  • If at all possible --Please register by February 20th so we can plan for food and materials.

  • Biotechnology MS has been added to the conference.

  • Website design MS has been added.

  • Submission is midnight February 20th for the following events:

    • Digital Photography MS

    • Photographic Technology HS

    • Website Design MS

    • Webmaster HS

2024 TSA Mini Conference

TSA Advisors:

Oologah-Talala TSA would like to invite your chapter to participate in the 2024 Oologah TSA Conference! It will be held on February 24th at the Oologah-Talala Campus. We appreciate all those who attended last year and I hope to improve this year's conference!

Our hope is to serve you by providing a quality conference for you and your students.

  • Registration will begin at 7:45 am

  • Event check-in and sign up for times will begin at 8:30

  • Competitions and judging will begin at 9:00.

  • Lunch will be provided.

  • A hospitality room will be provided for advisors! Provided by Oologah-Talala TSA!

  • Advisors-we will need advisors to help coordinate events. Our judges will need your guidance! If you are new this is a great opportunity to learn more about events that you may be unfamiliar with.

  • Competitions should be completed by 12:30-1:00, and the awards assembly will begin at about 1:30 p.m.

  • Medals will be given for 1st , 2nd , and 3rd places.

  • Cost of registration will be $15.00/student which includes lunch.

  • Concessions will also be provided

Please feel free to share this information with other advisors

in your area that you think would be interested.

Contact me with any questions by email at daniel.pruett@oologah.k12.ok.us

or by phone at 918-443-7281. My cell does not always

get reception at school, so email is preferred.

I’m looking forward to seeing you !


Danny Pruett

Oologah TSA

Please register by February 21st so that we can plan for meals and supplies.

Online tests will be posted below from February 21st to midnight February 23rd

Electrical Applications Test MS

Forensic Technology MS

Technology Bowl MS

Forensic Science HS

Technology Bowl HS