Parents and guardians, We are aware that some families are using an outdated mobile app which is called "Wengage by Sylogist". The icon for this app is a blue schoolhouse on a white background, and it is not a functioning app at this time. Please delete this app and use the Oologah-Talala Public Schools app, which has a white background and three running mustangs as the icon. Please use the OTPS app for all business related to the school, including paying lunch balances, from this point forward. Thank you!
7 days ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning, Shortly before 8:00 this morning, Oologah-Talala Public Schools was made aware of a concerning social media post involving Oologah High School. Immediately upon receiving this information, OTPS administrators met with Rogers County Sheriff’s Office and the Oologah Police Department to simultaneously ensure that the students on campus were safe and that the threat was fully investigated as quickly as possible. Law enforcement presence was increased across the entire campus and OHS was placed on lock-out procedures. Students from both OHS and OMS were also not allowed to travel between buildings for classes unattended. Throughout this process, several messages were sent to all parents and guardians within the district as well as to staff within the schools. Officer Tice, Oologah police, and school administrators made personal contact with every student named as being potentially involved in the situation. Upon conclusion of their investigation, the district was advised that the threat to OTPS was not credible and that students could safely return to their normal schedule. We would like to issue a special thank you to Officer Tice, Officer Rhoden, Rogers County Sheriff's Office and the Oologah Police Department for their quick and effective response to this situation. Also, thank you to parents, guardians and staff for your patience and trust while we navigated through this unsettling event. Respectfully, Dr. David Wilkins Superintendent, Oologah-Talala Public Schools
11 days ago, Kendra Adkins
Good evening! We apologize for the late message. Out of an abundance of caution, school will be cancelled tomorrow, January 21. Area roads are slick in areas and the temperatures will be dangerously low in the morning, leading us to make this decision for the safety of our students. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility!
20 days ago, Kendra Adkins
Good evening! We will have a snow day tomorrow, January 10, due to slick and deteriorating road conditions. No work will be assigned for students as this is a true day off. Enjoy the day, and please be safe!
about 1 month ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon! In an attempt to get our students home as quickly as possible, buses 7 and 12 will be running with all the other routes this afternoon. Please expect students to arrive at home 15-20 minutes earlier than they are when the buses run late. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon! This message is to inform you that buses 7 and 12 will continue running a double route for the foreseeable future due to a bus driver shortage. Drop off times will be the same as they were before the break. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
about 1 month ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon! We will have to keep running buses 7 and 12 at their later times through the end of this semester due to a continued shortage of bus drivers. Thank you for your patience and understanding! We will communicate about next semester when we return from Christmas Break. Have a great day!
2 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good evening, Mustang Families! This is a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow, November 22nd. It is a collaboration day for teachers. We are also closed all of next week for Thanksgiving Break. We hope you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break, and we look forward to welcoming students back on December 2nd! Happy Thanksgiving from OTPS!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning, OTPS Families! A message from Dr. Wilkins regarding the video sent to schools last week has been emailed to all families. It has also been posted to our website and Facebook page. Please check these platforms to read the message. Thank you!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon! Bus 3 is running about 15-20 minutes late, but they are on their way! Thank you for your patience!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning! We are pleased to inform you that our online payment system for lunch accounts is now working. You may resume making payments on your student's lunch account using the online system. Thank you for your patience !
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon! We are happy to report that our water leak is fixed and school will resume tomorrow. Thank you so much to our extremely hardworking operations team for getting us up and running so quickly, and thank you for our families for all your patience and understanding. Have a great day!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
OTPS families, this evening we have had a major water leak in the line that services a large portion of our campus. Unfortunately, we will have to cancel school for tomorrow so that the line can be repaired. We will be in touch regarding rescheduling the assemblies and performances scheduled for tomorrow as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning! We are experiencing some difficulties with our online payment system for lunch accounts. Please do not make online payments until we send a message that the issue is resolved. Thank you!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
At this time, we have been given the all-clear from Rogers County Emergency Management for students to safely return to class. If you would like to pick your child up, the offices are open for you to do so. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we do everything possible to keep our students safe.
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
This message is to inform you that students have been moved to the storm shelter at this time. We will stay in contact throughout the afternoon. Thank you!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good afternoon, OTPS families! We are keeping a very close eye on the weather as we move through the afternoon. Please rest assured that we already have a plan in place to move students to our storm shelters if needed, and be aware that the weather may result in delayed bus routes if it is not safe to leave on time. Also, please remember that the storm shelters are NOT available to the public during the school day. Thank you!
3 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning! Bus 7 and Bus 12 will be delayed approximately 20 minutes from their regular drop-off time every afternoon between now and Thanksgiving Break. We are still experiencing a shortage of bus drivers, but we also want to provide our families with a consistent schedule for their students rather than changing route times day by day. We will reevaluate these routes before Thanksgiving Break and provide an update at that time. If you have any interest in driving a bus for OTPS, please contact Jeff Cluck, Transportation Director, at (918) 443-6000, ext. 6087. Have a great Tuesday!
4 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning! Bus 7 will be approximately 30 minutes late this afternoon. Thank you for your patience! Have a great day!
4 months ago, Kendra Adkins
Good morning, OTPS families! Bus 7 and Bus 12 will be delayed today for approximately 30 minutes. If you need to make alternate transportation arrangements for your child, please contact the office. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
4 months ago, Kendra Adkins